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The Power of Presence

  The present moment is where you'll find your power. When your energy is focused in the Now, it's not scattered in the past or future, but concentrated in the moment.

    The Present is where you can create because what you focus on expands. And when you’re in the moment and choose to focus on a thought- it will expand and radiate out into the world. It may start as just a seed, but as you continue to focus it will grow into the experiences you desire.

    I Feel, I Think, I Am...the word that follows these phrases is defining you, is creating your world!

   You’re telling the universe what you want to create with these phrases. For example, if you feel tired, the thought I’m Tired will tend to repeat over and over in your mind only to create more tiredness. But you can acknowledge the feeling and then choose an Empowering thought such as I’m energized with every breath I take. It’s a simple change, a choice, to interrupt the pattern in our thoughts that create the same experiences.

    Choose to change, and you will. Be IN the present and see how you feel. If you want to Feel something different, choose a new thought. Your presence is powerful. You have the power to re-create your world, your health, your mind, one moment, one thought at a time.

    Your Power is in This moment. Repeat after me: I AM energized with every breath I take!



P.S.  If you need help shifting a pattern in your life,  a combination of energy healing and spiritual counseling will help heal the old pattern so you can create new experiences.  Reach out if you need support!

Benefits of Energy Healingr
Pain and Stress Relief
Balance in Body/Mind/Spirit
Emotional Healing
Focus and Clarity

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