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A Morning Blessing

   Hey, happy Fall! How do you like to start your day? I love saying a morning prayer and meditation before I get out of bed to connect and Claim my day! So I wanted to share a prayer Spirit gave me, let me know if you enjoy it.

A Prayer to start the day:

   I open my eyes to a new morning, resting in the presence of God. I breathe in the Peace of this moment. I know All will unfold effortlessly today as I’m connected to Spirit. 

    I’m grateful for the ever present Divine love, peace, joy, and abundance that fills my heart, my Life now. I know I've got all I need and more. 

    I see through the eyes of Divine love and wisdom and choose to see the the Love and Divinity in all. One step in front of the other, I walk guided and clear with Purpose. I'm grateful for all the Blessings this day. And so it is!




NEW Fall Package!
It's Fall, one of my favorite times of year! As the trees release their leaves, we also have an opportunity to release layers of energy and begin Anew. Now through October 31st buy a package of 3,1 hr sessions for $315, a savings of $60! You can mix and match your sessions. Book at to begin your Fall Transformation now!

Benefits of Energy Healing
Pain and Stress Relief
Balance in Body/Mind/Spirit
Emotional Healing
Focus and Clarity

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