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Feed Your Spirit

   Happy February dear ones! In January I took a few days to go to Sivananda- a yoga ashram in the Bahamas to rejuvenate my Spirit, and let go of 2023. There's a daily schedule that includes yoga, satsang, meals and workshops, but you have the freedom to do what you want. My intention was to participate less in group activities, and just relax, walk, read and meditate on the beach.

    I went away because I felt heavy. I'd experienced some loss and knew I needed to recenter and feed my Spirit. In daily life we often don’t take the time to feed our Spirit, and that’s who we are. On this planet of matter, you are energy. You are a Divine expression! Do you know we get programmed every day by what we see and hear? Even if you don’t believe it, it goes in your mind, it makes an imprint. 

   I want to imprint my mind with peace, love, health, joy, and that’s not what the world feeds us. We see suffering, chaos, injustice, and that’s all there. But can you look at the world through your spiritual eyes and see the Spirit and love in others? I met people from all over the world, peace seekers, light bringers. It was refreshing, there was no judgment, but welcoming and a safe place to be authentic.

  The thing is you don't have to go anywhere, but can you find it within yourself? Find the place of divine unconditional love for you, the place of peace in your soul, and your divine connection. If you can find that, walk forward in that love, in that connection- you’ll feel strengthened, loved, more peaceful and people will radiate that back to you.

    I was reminded a retreat is a beautiful way to recenter and rejuvenate but the work is bringing it back to real life- using the wisdom, feeling the peace, remembering the connection no matter what life may bring. That’s the challenge but also the blessing, and there’s always a blessing. We must have faith and keep the connection to Spirit strong.

 Say: I am connected to the unlimited Divine. I’m free to express my divine truth. I feel expanded in my Spirit, and open to receive. I expand to receive my highest blessing now! I express health, I express joy, I express peace, I express Love to all, and I am grateful. 

    In this month as we celebrate love, give yourself a gift to celebrate the love you have for YOU, and remember the unlimited amount of Love that's always in your heart!



Couples Chakra Balancing

Need a unique Valentine experience or gift? Nurture your relationship or friendship while receiving Chakra balancing together!

Book online or gift certificates available to purchase and print out here:

Self-Love Event
Join me for a special event at Shine Health and Wellness! You'll learn simple ways to move your body, enjoy healthy snacks and I'll take you through a self-love Meditation all to celebrate YOU!
Please dress in comfortable clothes, as this is a
participatory event

Date: February 15th

Time: 7:00-8:30pm

Location: Shine Health & Wellness

4651 Sandy Plains Rd. Unit #112

Roswell, GA 30075

Benefits of Energy Healing
Pain and Stress Relief
Balance in Body/Mind/Spirit
Emotional Healing
Focus and Clarity

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