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Have you gone into your Heart lately?

  When you go in your heart, into the space of love, all answers exist. Love is always there, and the greatest healing power. It's the highest vibration and will lift the lower vibrations of stress, sickness, emotional or mental trauma.

    After a healing session, clients often tell me that they felt the connection to the divine realm. They sensed God or their angels or even a loved one who has passed. It’s a reminder that the Divine is always present, and we're a part of it.

    In a healing session you’re in a sacred space that’s held for healing on every level. You’re making time for your Spirit to heal, so you experience it.

    When something is off in your world, whether it’s physical- a sickness, emotional or mental stress, you’re out of harmony with your Spirit. Just as you must eat food daily to keep your body strong, you must also connect to Spirit- to the divine being that you are daily- whether in prayer, meditation or connecting to the earth- whatever it is that awakens the Spirit within you!

    We are spiritual beings. Bring your Self in harmony by connecting to your spirit, making a sacred space and time to step out of the busyness of the world and into your own heart. This is where healing happens, in your heart- in Love. 

    Affirm- I breathe in Divine Love and feel peace and healing in my heart and mind now!



Couples Chakra Balancing
Need a unique Valentine experience or gift? Nurture your relationship or friendship while receiving chakra balancing together!
Gift certificates available.

We're Moving
After 6 years, we're moving in February...but only to the suite next door! It's expansion for the new year, a beautiful new space. We'll be in suite B-120 instead of B-115- and I'll keep you posted on the date.

Benefits of Energy Healingr
Pain and Stress Relief
Balance in Body/Mind/Spirit
Emotional Healing
Focus and Clarity

Our mailing address is:

1000 Johnson Ferry Road

Suite B-115

Marietta, GA 30068

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