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Newsletter for July 2024

Please note that the day and time for our monthly Board Meetings has changed -- see "Meetings" below.


Hoedown at The Maverick!

The bottom line: everyone had a great time, the barbecue was good, and in the first line dance (kick-kick-pivot) everyone was facing the same direction!  Between the reservations, the auction, and the 50/50 raffle, the event netted $3,000.  The 50/50 raffle took in $620 which was split between The Homing Project and the person holding the winning ticket: Gregg Sasse, Executive Director of Southern Arizona Land Trust, the lease-donor for our first village site (near Glenn and Stone).

Thank you to everyone who came!  And a big thank you to those who put it on, especially our Event Planner, Rita Gray, who planned and coordinated the hoedown event.

Raffle Tickets for The Jim Click Millions for Tucson are available for purchase here: The Homing Project Homepage

The Homing Project Meeting with Ward 5 Councilmember Fimbres 

At the end of May, Yolanda Sethi, Kris Olson, and Raj Garewal had a meeting with Ward 5 Councilmember Richard Fimbres and his office staff.  The meeting was to thank CM Fimbres for helping get The Homing Project off the ground.  Councilman Fimbres gave us guidance on aspects of the new world into which we were entering.  We quickly learned that we needed all the help we could get.  During our time interacting with Ward 5, we got our first volunteers, our first media coverage through the Tucson Daily Star and KVOA, and had our first discussions with area residents and business owners.  Although we are not working there currently, our experiences in Ward 5 certainly helped us get our bearings and improved our understanding of the scope, and necessity, of our project.  It was thanks to Councilman Fimbres and his staff that we were able to make our first in-roads into Tucson politics, and we have received vocal support from his office since.  Thank you, Councilman Fimbres, we appreciate your time and kindness!

See the film from 


that has won eight awards!

Finding Hope:  

What are the root causes of homelessness 

and what solutions are possible?


General/Volunteer Meetings are held the last Saturday of the month at 10AM at St. Phillips in the Hills in the Children’s Chapel Room.

Join us to plan new & discuss past events.

Board Meetings ARE AT A NEW TIME, being held on the last Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM at Kris Olson’s home. Project volunteers are welcome to attend.

The Homing Project Newsletter

Joe Vaughan edited this month’s newsletter. 

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