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Hello $[UD:FIRST_NAME||]$ !

Newsletter for June 2024


Critical Volunteer Needs!


Gosh, do we have a need for volunteer involvement! 

Get involved today!  Read below and then contact our volunteer coordinators to get signed up to help.  Then get both yourself and your friends signed up -- to dance! 


Our next fundraiser is a Line Dance Party at The Maverick – see the flyer and link above.  There will be great music, free line dancing lessons, a BBQ buffet, a silent auction,  a 50/50 raffle, and a photo booth.  Help us promote and prepare for this Fundraiser!


  • We need to have 200+ attendees to make this fundraiser a success. We can meet that goal if each volunteer gets two people to come.
  • Please get 2 or more people to attend! 
  • Reservations ($75) are made via the THP webpage indicated on the flyer above
  • Donate or get someone else to donate an item to our silent auction: bottle of wine, restaurant gift certificate, massage gift certificate, jewelry, work of art, etc., etc.
  • Visit businesses (resorts) around town and talk to their Concierge/Manager.  Tell them about our fundraiser and give them flyers to give to their patrons.   Let us know how many flyers you think you need, and we'll get flyers to you.  Ask them to contribute an item or service for the silent auction.
  • Help collect items offered for the silent auction and store them until the fundraiser.
  • Promote this fundraiser via your social media and email.
  • Print copies of the flyer (above) from this newsletter to share and/or forward this newsletter to others.
  • You've come through for us each time we've asked for assistance. Please do so again.


Also, our demonstration Pallet 64 micro-shelter will be on display!  So, we need volunteers to show the micro-shelter and answer questions.   

Assuming 2-hour shifts, we’ll need at least 6 volunteers.  If you’d like to do this, let us know.


We also need volunteers to take pictures at the Photo Booth.  

Assuming 2-hour shifts, we’ll need at least 4 volunteers.


And if you’d like to volunteer for shorter shifts, let us know that too.  


Also, THP needs a Social Media Manager and a Graphic Designer.  If one of those could be you, let us know.


Yolanda Sethi & Shelley Carton

Volunteer Coordinators


Contact Yolanda Sethi & Shelley Carton, THP Volunteer Coordinators, at

Raffle Tickets for The Jim Click Millions for Tucson are available for purchase here: The Homing Project Homepage

A virtual tour of the planned THP village buildings.


by Kris Olson-Garewal, CEO


We all know by now where The Homing Project’s prefabricated micro-shelters come from: Pallet Shelters Inc., of Everett WA.  What about the other buildings that will make up the THP village?   We originally intended to use bathrooms from Pallet, but it turns out that Pallet does not have requisite Arizona Department of Housing approval.  So, we are looking at another vendor, used by the City of Tucson: Comforts of Home (, which offers a modular 3-door “drop box” bathroom that is easily transported on a flatbed truck. 


The floor plan (below) shows one full ADA compliant bathroom, including a shower, a toilet and a sink, a second shower room, and a second bathroom with just toilet and sink, for three areas that are accessed separately.  Hot water will come from an electric, tankless, on-demand water heater. The bathroom will be connected to water, electric power, and sewage utilities established on site.

Consulting Architect Greg Fahr has already developed schematics for onsite construction of a laundry shed: a three-sided roofed building that can hold up to three washing machines (with gray water plumbing) and a folding table.  Being open on the front allows a clear line of sight for security, which should be reassuring for those who do their laundry at night.  Note that, to limit energy costs, and for financial sustainability, and for environmental reasons, there won’t be clothes dryers, but rather laundry drying lines.  


Greg is also working with Maynard’s Kitchen Chef Nick to design the modular kitchen which will be built by an Arizona company that specializes in such.  It will be large enough to serve a village of 100, the ideal size for future villages. 


The on-site guardhouse and offices are slightly modified Pallet micro-homes: i.e. they have one large added window and no beds. 

There you have it, a virtual tour of the future THP buildings!

Floorplan of Comfort of Home, Inc. "Bathhouse Dropbox"

A Comfort of Home, Inc. "Bathhouse Dropbox" can be delivered by flatbed truck and unloaded using a forklift.


General/Volunteer Meetings are held the last Saturday of the month at 10AM at St. Phillips in the Hills in the Children’s Chapel Room.

Join us to plan new & discuss past events.

Board Meetings are held on the next to the last Saturday of the month at 1PM at Kris Olson’s home. Project volunteers are welcome to attend.

The Homing Project Newsletter

Joe Vaughan edited this month’s newsletter. 

Email suggestions of items for inclusion to:

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