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Hi Friend,

And welcome to those of you who are new subscribers!

When I began publishing the Feast Lawrence News, it was as a hard copy printed newsletter, that I distributed in person at my events and classes and made available at my local library and in the cafe area of my local natural foods coop.

But my ability to distribute my newsletter was curtailed by both our local public library and the local natural foods coop – of which I was (at that time) a very well paid nutrition educator/culinary instructor. I believe this was directly related to the growing power of the locovore movement in my community.

This was the beginning of both my awareness that left-leaning spaces were starting to embrace censorship and my skepticism about the goals of large national (vegan-supported) non-profits that appeared to be gradually co-opting vegan activism. I am not hearing as much about "happy" or "humane" meat these days – the big money now appears to be promoting lab based meat.

And somehow, I keep finding myself called to raise awareness of the various things I find problematic.  So thank you for subscribing and being interested in the information I feel called to share.

I have a lot of different things to share with you this Month. Some pertain to my writing and speaking -- (1) an article I wrote awhile ago that seems very relevant right now, (2) a new interview of me by the Vegan Posse, and (3) a link to an updated version of a book I have long loved -- that I feel very honored to have been asked to write the forward for.

I also share my thoughts on something quite interesting I noticed when looking at our government's Social Security actuarial tables. You'll also find information that might help you protect your eyes from being harmed by LED lights (Oh how I wish it was still easy to obtain incandescent light bulbs with a long life like they once had!) and protect your loved ones in case you get sick.  There is also an update about the new availability of the documentary, The Game Changers.

But the most important thing I have to share, is that one of my heroes is turning 90 years old next month and I hope that you will join with me to honor and celebrate him.  So let's get started!

I want you to know --  not only have I been a huge fan of T. Colin Campbell for his ground breaking work on The China Study, but I have also been incredibly fortunate to have met him at a conference we both spoke at, and for more than 6 years now, I have been able to stay in touch with him and hear his thoughts on a variety of subjects. 

Dr. Campbell and I had many conversations throughout the Co/id crisis, and those conversations meant the world to me -- to have someone with his education, experience and critical WHOLISTIC thinking -- to have HIM share my skepticism about, "the science" or at least what our government and media were telling us about that science...I am so grateful!  Whatever sanity I can still claim to have -- I credit him for helping me to hold onto it.

And then right in the midst of all that, when the censorship industrial complex soared to it's highest heights -- Dr. Campbell shared with me what had just happened to him -- when he attempted to publish some of his previously unpublished data from China -- that was now VERY relevant!  It suggested that diet could be protective against viruses. But guess what happened? For the first time ever -- high impact journals refused to even send his paper out for peer review!

Interestingly -- after he finally got that paper published (in a far less prestigious journal than all his other work was published in)  -- it then vanished into thin air.

Fortunately I have the original URL it was published on -- so I was able to put THAT URL into the  internet archive. and there it was -- it really HAD been published. So now you can see the paper too...weirdly -- this appears to be the only way I can find that paper anywhere on line.

Dr Campbell is not just a dedicated follower of the scientific method, who has used it to brilliantly explore the links between disease and dietary patterns, but he exhibits a level of integrity, and willingness to follow the evidence -- even when it contradicts how he was raised and what he was taught.  Even when following the evidence threatened to derail his career...he was honest and didn't shy away from sharing his findings.

If you want to know more about Dr. Campbell -- he is featured in the classic documentary, Forks over Knives.  But I can't wait to see the new material that will soon be available.  Now here is all the info about the event to celebrate his 90th birthday:

The Celebration Summit: Honoring Dr. T. Colin Campbell's 90th birthday!

Dr. Campbell’s work has been foundational to our understanding of plant-based nutrition, influencing countless lives toward healthier, more sustainable choices.

The celebration summit is a one-day virtual event on April 20, 2024.

Key highlights of the event include:

  • Insights from the original plant-based trailblazer: Dr. Campbell will share his profound wisdom and knowledge in an intimate conversation with his son, Nelson.

  • Thoughtful reflections on historic events: The co-authors of the groundbreaking book, The China Study, and the talented minds behind the acclaimed documentary, Forks Over Knives, will recount their experiences in two pivotal advances of the plant-based movement.

  • Unveiling of a major motion picture: Attendees will learn about an exciting new initiative to produce Dr. Campbell, a movie that chronicles the remarkable journey and research of the acclaimed researcher, scripted by the Oscar-winning writer, David S. Ward. The event will also announce a grassroots strategy to rally support for the film.

  • Access to an exclusive interview series: Attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy bonus content featuring over seven hours of recorded discussions between Dr. Campbell and Nelson. These interviews not only shed light on Dr. Campbell's life story but also provide thought-provoking commentary on the plant-based movement.

As you can see -- Telling the Truth in Science is Getting Riskier

Professor Martin Kolldorff -- will be vindicated eventually -- but the continued suppression of his contributions is hurting everyone....and Harvard is complicit.

And yes I know, many of you just really want to put the pandemic behind you -- you think it's over because the lock downs and mandates are gone....but what the pandemic response laid bare, was the degree to which the US government and industry have been colluding to censor and manipulate Americans -- in order to maximize industry profits.  Sadly this deprived millions of lifesaving treatment, AND deprived millions of their fundamental human rights of informed consent....many died, were injured, or lost jobs, homes and businesses as a result. 

Unless/until those who were complicit in these harms are held accountable and the system fixed, none of us are safe. The incentives of capitalism will make this tragedy repeat, so we are not done until we shine a light on what just happened, and fix it!

 At least half of Americans still have no idea of the degree to which fraud, conflicts-of-interest, and biased science have captured our regulatory agencies...if we can't reach that half with the truth of what has and is going on -- their continued support for the corrupt institutions makes us ALL vulnerable.

And if you want an excellent example of how the public was manipulated:

I cannot recommend this book enough.  It is a very easy read, and an engaging story by one of the most accomplished infectious disease doctors in America.  Not only that, knowing the real facts on Ivermectin just might save the life of someone you love!

Who is Lieutenant Ted Macie?

Yet another whistle blower who is being punished for speaking out on behalf of the injured.

Click the image below to see the 2 min clip of what he has to say...


New Release in May

Another one of my hero's is Dr. Ruth Heidrich (and she also is about to turn 90!)  Ruth -- recovered from stage 4 breast cancer in her 40's using a plant-based diet, and then went on to finish the Ironman SIX times!  And she too is featured in Forks over Knives.

Ruth's first book, A Race for Life,  details her inspiring journey.  It is one of the books I have long recommended to other people -- so I was thrilled when she asked me to write the forward for the revised and updated edition that will be coming out in a few months.  It includes some very important new information as well!


Have you seen this article?  

I wrote it  awhile back -- but it seems more relevant now than ever.  Click on it to read it in its entirety.


Are LED Lights Damaging Your Retina?

Here is an excerpt from this article on the Cleveland Clinic's website:

Here's something interesting I found -- the actuarial tables that our government uses for Social Security

Here are screen shots of the table from 2019 -- BEFORE CO/ID.  Notice that a 70 year old had a 2.2% chance of dying from anything in the next 12 months, while in an 85 year old, had a 9.5% chance of dying in that same time frame.

And here is why I find that table so interesting... the CDC wrote in their planning scenario, people under age 50 were estimated to have less than a one in ten thousand chance of dying from CO/ID (if infected -- and that was pre-vaccine), while all people over 65 together (which includes very old people had an estimated nine percent chance of dying from the virus if infected.

But this table from the Lancet, however breaks it down better and shows the (estimated -- because we don't actually know just how many were infected--since maybe about 1/3 of infections are asymptomatic) infection fatality rate for every single age by year.

So using CDC's figures,  at age 70, an infected person was estimated to have a 2.9% chance of dying....but the range of possibilities of what that risk actually was is 1.9% to 5.4% -- which overlaps with what a 70 year old's risk of dying from anything in the next 12 months was in 2019 -- and that was before we'd even heard of CO/ID.

And given all the evidence suggesting that people dying with the virus were counted as having died from it -- not to mention the financial incentives hospitals and nursing homes had to count deaths as having been caused by the virus, whether they were or not, on top of the needless deaths that were caused by denying people access to repurposed drugs that we know were lifesaving (like HCQ and IVM, and instead only offering them Remdesivir (aka Run Death is Near) which is known to be very nephrotoxic -- an argument can be made the lower percentages are the more accurate ones.

Now how does this compare with the ONE perspective shared by ALL of the corporate media?


The Game Changers Movie 

Now Available for Free from Libraries

If you haven't watched The Game Changers documentary yet, it just got a whole lot easier!

It is now available to watch for free from many libraries.  

I found this movie very inspiring in terms of motivating me to eat more healthfully and exercise.  Here are a just a few of the libraries that I found it available at, and if your library doesn't yet have a copy, you can either request that they get it, or inter-library loan it from one that does have it.

Johnson county Ks Public library

Lawrence Ks Public Library

Chicago Il Public Library

Denver, Co Public Library


The Vegan Posse Interviewed me

She asked some great questions. If you want to hear more about my time  working as a microbiologist for pharma this is the interview to check out.


Lawsuits You Might not have Heard About....

And since the Corporate (captured) Media isn't covering this....I will

If this Doesn't Concern You -- 
You Likely Don't Know What is Going On!


Keeping cash alive is critical to avoiding the social credit system that now controls and oppresses Chinese citizens.  

Democracies ARE vulnerable too -- just look at what happened in Canada during the trucker's strike. Not only were the striking truck drivers' accounts frozen, but people who donated to help them out also had their accounts frozen!


And look -- it is easy to forget what actually happened, and how intense it was...that's why I encourage you to watch this 3 minute video montage.  Here are a few screen shots from it....

It will quickly remind you of what the military-industrial-medical-meat-media complex just put us through. It COULD happen again -- unless we make sure that it does not...and yes most of what they said, turned out to be completely incorrect -- the /accine did not prevent viral spread, it was not safe for millions of injured people, and it was only effective for a short period of time -- and then it turned out to actually have NEGATIVE efficacy after about 4-5 months, yes vaccinated people actually were more likely to test positive then those who had never gotten the jab!

That's it for this edition!


JoAnn Farb

Feast Lawrence | Lawrence, Ks 66050